We are jessica & MIRANDA, co-founders of

therapist bestie

A large part of fulfilling our dream of everyone having easy access to quality mental health care is pouring back into the helpers and healers of the community. We aim to do this through providing career development for clinicians who want to use their gifts to impact those they serve in great ways.

We both remember the feeling of anticipation and nerves during the first week of full time private practice. What led to the point of taking the big leap were a few vows we made to ourselves. We committed to:

  • Breaking the cycle of burnout

  • No longer accepting the narrative that we have to help others to our own detriment

We now find so much joy in knowing that we get to determine how much we want to make, when we want to make it, and who we want to serve while doing it. You can have this too!

Therapist Bestie is an opportunity for us to share gems that led to our successes and set-backs as you cultivate a career path that is in alignment with your gifts, and doing it all without being “broke down”.

Our approach.

There are a few objectives we take on when working with mental health professionals. Whether we are facilitating a training, coaching session, or group consultation, we:

  1. Cultivate a space where you feel comfortable enough to get it wrong in. We are the last people you need to impress. None of us know it all, but it’s likely you will walk away knowing more than you did coming in.

  2. Help you to recognize the possibilities that you either were not aware of, or did not believe you could do.

  3. Take you from talking about your dreams, to being about your dreams.

how to join our squad

Becoming a Bestie is easy. Simply let us know what you are interested in and how to contact you. One of us will follow up within the next 24 hours.



Hi! The Beauti Therapist here!

  • I’m a Southern girl raised in a small town in North Carolina now living in Atlanta, GA.

  • I feel most inspired helping others be resilient and feel beautiful

  • I feel most alive when I am going out to brunch with the girls, traveling and twerking.

  • If you were to scroll through my Netflix you'd find psychological thrillers because I love a story plot that twists my brain!

  • I look forward to a action-packed Marvel movie every Thursday, complete with a Chipotle bowl with queso!


  • I am Cali-raised, but currently living in Atlanta. So don’t make fun of my sometimes monotone, Kardashian-like speech.

  • If you opened my fridge, you’d find multiple meals. No one in my house seems to want to eat the same thing everyone else is eating - at the same time!

  • My partner has always known I’m about that “therapy life”. One of my favorite gifts he got me early in our relationship was the DSM IV.

  • My comfort movie is B.A.P.S. and there was a time where I’d watch it everyday (if you know, you know).

  • I know it’s time for a grocery store run when I run out of Doritos or my dairy free Starbucks creamer.

  • If you were to peer into my life on the weekends, I'll be cleaning the house rocking out to Kiz Bop (please help).

  • I am most inspired by other’s ability to get through hard things.